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    广州国际国土安全与安防展览会SecuEx China·2023时间轴

    [广州国土安全展]     更新时间:2024/4/19
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  • 欢迎访问2023广州国际国土安全与安防展览会SecuEx China 简称:广州国土安全展,展必赢提醒您,展会2023年时间暂未更新,如果您需要参观请联系主办方确认开展时间,提前做好出行计划,如果需要订展位可以在线提交需求,展必赢将安排主办方招商专员和您对接,提供展位图及相关费用清单,对接过程中出现任何问题都可以第一时间请求展必赢协助。
    广州国际国土安全与安防展览会SecuEx China
    广州国际国土安全与安防展览会SecuEx China
    广州国际国土安全与安防展览会SecuEx China于07月15-16日在南丰国际会展中心举行;
    主办单位: 中国中小企业合作发展促进中心 中军国防科技创新研究院

    举办周期:两年一届 展览面积:6000平方 展商数量:250家 观众数量:7000人
    广州国际国土安全与安防展览会SecuEx China旨在为平安城市向智慧城市的升级,设计到了主要基础设施、城市安全及个人安全,展会主要立足服务于安防行业,为相关政府部门、事业单位、企业、协会、媒体等提供一个贸易及展示的平台;该展已经在全球多个国家,如阿联酋、以色列、土耳其、约旦、马来西亚、印尼、新加坡、俄罗斯、法国、英国、捷克、埃及等进行了全面的推广,积**组织专业海外买家,致力于将展会打造为中国本土**具专业性的国土安全展览会。

    国土安全类: 军警无人系统、执法记录仪、指挥、控制、电子系统与设备、天线、GSM干扰、保密通信系统和设备、数据处理、数据连接、电子防盗系统、无线电设备、仿真模拟训练系统、风险分析和控制、服装、面部保护、鞋类、防毒面具、头盔、防护服、交通管制和道路安全设备、警棍、服装、防弹衣、防弹设备、防弹车、警用灯具、警棍、警用或军用对讲机、侦察和间谍性工作的器具及设施、犯罪调查科技、犯罪与法医鉴识器材、反侦测/反窃听措施、反恐系统、非致命性和自卫武器、刑事调查和毒品检测、核生化防护和爆炸物处理、特种车辆、边境安检设备与设施、边境安全设备、不可抗力风险-国内紧急情况-危机管理、关键基础设施保护、网络安全、机场安全、夜间商业保护等

    安防类: 安检机、生物识别、车底扫描、CCTV视频监视、红外、屏障、周界防范系统、5G、人工智能、大数据、物联网等

    Organizer: China Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperation and Development Promotion Center China Military Defense Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute

    Period: Two-year exhibition area: 6000 square exhibitors Number: 250 Number of visitors: 7000 people
    Guangzhou International Homeland Security and Security Exhibition SecuEx China aims to upgrade the city to a smart city, designed the main infrastructure, urban security and personal security, the exhibition is mainly based on serving the security industry, for the relevant government departments, institutions, enterprises, associations, media, etc. to provide a trade and display Platform, the exhibition has been in many countries around the world, such as the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Turkey, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Egypt and other comprehensive promotion, and actively organize professional overseas buyers, is committed to the exhibition for China's most professional homeland security exhibition.

    The scope of the exhibits
    Homeland Security: Uniformed Unmanned Systems, Law Enforcement Recorders, Command, Control, Electronic Systems and Equipment, Antennas, GSM Interference, Confidential Communication Systems and Equipment, Data Processing, Data Connections, Electronic Anti-Theft Systems, Radio Equipment, Simulation Training Systems, Risk Analysis and Control, Clothing, Facial Protection, Footwear, Gas Masks, Helmets, Protective Clothing, Traffic Control and Road Safety Equipment, Batons, Clothing, BulletproofIng Equipment, Bulletproof Vehicles, , batons, police or military cross-talkies, equipment and facilities for reconnaissance and espionage work, crime investigation technology, crime and forensic forensic equipment, counter-detection/anti-wiretapping measures, counter-terrorism systems, non-lethal and self-defence weapons, criminal investigations and drug detection, nuclear, chemical and biological protection and explosive disposal, special vehicles, border security equipment and facilities, border security equipment, force majeed risks - domestic emergency - crisis management, critical infrastructure protection, cyber security, airport security, night-time commercial protection, etc

    Security categories: security machines, biometrics, under-car scanning, CCTV video surveillance, infrared, barriers, peri-border prevention systems, 5G, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things, etc
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